Thursday, October 11, 2012

Curl Talk: Part 1

Curl Talk: Part 1


Curly hair. For some people, it is a nightmare. For many years, it was for me too. I dreamed of smooth, straight, get-out-of-bed-and-my-head-looks-perfect hair. Then I awoke and ….

I truly believe the best thing I ever did for my hair and my curly head clients was to embrace my curls—to love and take care of them.

The turning point began with a curly hair class I took 17 years ago. It was the best information I've ever gotten on how to take care of curls.

From then on, I became a huge curl advocate and now teach people, especially young girls and teenagers, how to embrace and take care of their curls.

In Curl Talk: Part 2, I will share the approach I use with the younger set.

But you can begin embracing your curls right now. Look in a mirror if it helps. Say aloud three things that you like about your hair; then say aloud three things that you like about your curls. Do not, I repeat, do not say anything negative whatsoever! Do this every day as many times as you need to until you start feeling the love and believing it.

I believe you are beautiful inside and out. Soon you will too!