Thursday, August 2, 2012

What is beauty?

When I started in the beauty industry over 17 years ago, my goal was to do the hair and make-up of super models who would adorn magazine covers. Not that doing this wouldn't be awesome even today, but as John Lennon says, "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." I mention John Lennon not only for his fantastic quote but also because he is the perfect example of beauty. His words, his mannerisms, his care for his fellow human beings made him one beautiful man, inside and out.

So what is beauty? What is beauty to you? I ask you to take two minutes and contemplate this question... Is it what someone looks like? Is it the words someone says? Is it someone's demeanor? I remember when I was young seeing a very happy and joyful person and thinking, "Why is that person so happy? She's not that pretty and she's a bit overweight. What is there to be so happy about?"

So I began to investigate happiness and beauty and soon came to believe they go hand in hand. If you are happy on the inside you will radiate beauty on the outside, no matter what your physical appearance. And the opposite is just as true.

But then, what of my role in the beauty industry? I loved my career--I loved making people look beautiful I loved the smiles on their faces at the end of their appointments--not that it was that way all the time, but we'll just chalk that up to learning. The conflict came from this vanity thing: Was I making money off my clients' vanity?

So I asked them and learned from responses such as, "Are you nuts?" that they did not share in this conflict. On the contrary, they said I helped them feel happy and feel better about themselves.

With that information, I began to conceive of a new career goal. If people felt happier because they looked better on the outside after they left my chair, could I do more? Could I somehow help enhance their inner beauty?

I realized that although people looked good on the outside, many had inner struggles. I too had inner struggles. I wanted to help, but how could I help when I suffered too?

As my friend Linda always says, "Put the air mask on you first and then you can help others." Searching for an air mask lead me to Buddhist teachings. What awesome insights into human struggles! And the techniques for alleviating human suffering--so practicable!

Buddhism is teaching me many ways to help myself and others find their inner beauty. This is where my mission statement was founded. "My passion is serving those with a passion for beauty on the inside and out."

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